2nd February 2025

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Brampton Parish Council Serving the people of Brampton

Brampton Burial Authority

Brampton Cemetery Fees
Effective 2nd March 2019

1. Interment Fees

a) on every interment of a person over 12 years old - £225
b) on every interment of a person under 12 years old and still-born charge at the discretion of the Chairman up to a maximum of - £150
c) on every interment of cremated ashes - £90

2. Scattering of Ashes - £5

3. Exclusive Rights of Burial in Earthen Graves

a) For the purchase of the Exclusive Right of Burial for 75 years in an earthen grave 9' x 4' per grave space - £175
b) For the purchase of the Exclusive Right of Burial for 75 years of ashes in an earthen grave 2 feet square per grave space - £90
c) For the purchase of the Exclusive Right of Burial for 75 years in an earthen grave for a child per grave space, at the discretion of the Chairman, but not to exceed - £70

4. Monuments, Gravestones, Vases and Monumental Inscriptions

a) For each headstone (not exceeding 3' high x 2' wide) - £155
b) For each vase or urn (not exceeding 15" high) - £35
c) For each inscription after the first, on a headstone or tablet - £45
d) For each tablet 18" x 12" in the area for the interment of ashes (see rule 5) - £45

5. Search Fees (see rule 28)
a) For each search of the register - £30

6. For each transfer of Exclusive Right of Burial - £50

Please see the Cemetery Rules & Regulations for further guidelines

Last updated: Mon, 16 Jan 2023 11:05