17th September 2024

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Brampton Parish Council Serving the people of Brampton


The Parish Allotments can be accessed from the Footpath No. 5 leading from Gordon Road/High Street. The Council has 112 allotment plots including full size plots,half plots, starter plots and raised beds

With effect from 1st November 2019, the rent for a full size allotment plot will be full plot £30.00 and a half plot will be £18.00. New starter plots and Raised beds are £6.00 per year. Rents are paid on a pro rata basis.

The Allotment rent is collected annually in October and the allotment year runs from 1st November to 31st October. As allotments become available the next person on the waiting list is contacted. For new plot holders rent is collected at the time the plot is taken on.

Allotment plots are available to Little Paxton residents and to residents in the St.Neots area. Little Paxton residents will be given priority.

When a plot becomes vacant its size will be reassessed and as a guide, the maximum area for a full size allotment plot to be no more than 222.4m2, half plot 110m2 and starter plot 53.7m2.

The Allotments are managed by the Parish Council. If you are interested in an allotment, please contact the Council's Allotment Representative Cllr Jean Matheson Tel 01480 476298 or contact the Clerk.

Allotment Holders may wish to join the Little Paxton Allotment Association.

Advance Notice

Allotment rents for 1st November 2020- 30th October 2021 ( 5% increase)

Full size plot £34.65, Half plot £18.90. Starter plot £6.30. Raised beds £6.30

Last updated: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 18:03