17th September 2024

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Search Brampton Parish Council

Brampton Parish Council Serving the people of Brampton

How to save on your home energy bill:

What grants are available to help;

How to find reputable energy efficiency installers;

How to understand your carbon footprint.

Download the full guidance document from https://www.actiononenergycambs.org

Huntingdonshire District Council:

Keeping the conversation going...

Talk to us at www.climateconversation@huntingdonshire.gov.uk

Our ambition is to store, slow and stretch the flow of the brook to reduce risk of flooding to homes in the Alconburys & Hamerton

Who are we?
Formed after the 2020 flood Members of the Community and Parish Councils Partnership and direct action
Objectives broadly agreed with Parish Councils but works independently
Regular reporting to supporters and volunteers
Nearly 100 supporters and volunteers
Separate Charity with trustees.

Key Principles of the Flood Group:
Direct Action
Communication and trust
Learn rather than blame
Embedded in communities for benefit of all, bring community on board Environmental gain Concern for the character of villages

Climate Information Group (Excel Spreadsheet, 27 Kb)

A spreadsheet for everyone to be involved in, to provide thoughts, options, anything that could help offset or stop changes to the climate in our local area

Last updated: Wed, 22 Nov 2023 14:00