17th September 2024

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Brampton Parish Council Serving the people of Brampton

Key Documents

  • Model Standing Orders 23 (PDF, 337 Kb)

  • Finance Regulations (PDF, 299 Kb)

  • Annual Budget 23/24 (PDF, 277 Kb)

    Spreadsheet detailing the planned for budget 2023 to 2024

  • Model Publication Scheme (PDF, 147 Kb)

    Model Publication Scheme

  • BPC Information Retention & Disposal Policy - Dec 20 (PDF, 1.9 Mb)

    BPC Information Retention and Disposal Policy - Dec 20 - which details the process for determining the records to be retained, for how long; and those to be destroyed and when.

  • Health & Safety Policy (PDF, 106 Kb)

    Health & Safety Policy

  • Risk Management (PDF, 96 Kb)

    Risk Management

  • Brampton Emergency Response Plan - 5 Jan 24 (Word Document, 446 Kb)

    Details the action to be taking in opening the Memorial Centre as an Emergency Rest Centre as and when an emergency is declared by the District Council.

  • Investigating and Regulating Flooding - Who manages what? (PDF, 857 Kb)

    Cambridgeshire County Council (under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010) has a duty to produce a Flood Risk Management Strategy in partnership with key stakeholders involved in flood risk management.

    The strategy's main focus is on flooding from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses, such as streams and ditches. Although the risk of flooding from rivers remains the responsibility of the Environment Agency, this strategy looks at the interaction between all forms of flood risk.

    The latest version of Cambridgeshire's Local Flood Risk Management Strategy was approved by the Environment and Green Infrastructure Committee in March 2022.

Annual Governance and Accountability Return

Controlling your dog in a Public Space

Controlling your dog in a Public Space

A Public Space Protection Order PSPO entered into force on 20 October 2017 to help manage irresponsible dog ownership across the district. The PSPO replaces the Dog Control Orders that were previously in place. You will be committing an offence if you:

  • Fail to remove dog faeces
  • Do not keep a dog on a lead in certain areas
  • Do not put and keep a dog on a lead when told to do so by an authorised officer... Read More »

Posted: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 12:16 by Jon Chitty

Last updated: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 15:14