Who we are & what we do
Brampton Parish Council has a membership of 15 Councillors. The Council employs a clerk, assistant clerk, bookings clerk, caretaking and grounds keeping staff.
Elected and co-opted Councillors do not receive any financial remuneration.
Brampton Parish Council is the first tier of Local Government.
Full Parish Council Meetings take place on the 4th Wednesday of each month (except August when no meeting is held) and are usually held in the The Memorial Centre on Thrapston Road. Meetings start promptly at 7.15pm and there's a 15 minute Public Forum for members of the public to raise issues with the Council. These can relate to items of Council business which are for debate on the Agenda or any other matter.
Most meetings are approximately one to one and half hours, but members of the public may leave at any time.
There are occasions when special meetings are held to transact urgent Council business, these are called Extra-ordinary Parish Council meetings.
There are sub-committees within the Parish Council covering Finance, Planning, Village Facilities, Churchyard & Cemetery, Allotments, Greens & Footpaths, Personnel and Sports & Recreation. These sub-committees report into the full Parish Council on a regular basis: the current Chairs for each committee are:
Finance - Chair - Jon Chitty
Planning - Chair - Nigel Maggs
Allotments - Chair - Mike Bainbridge
Village Facilities - Chair - John Childs
Churchyard & Cemetery - Chair - Margaret Footner
Greens & Footpaths - Chair - Nigel Maggs
Sports & Recreation - Acting Chair - Mike Bainbridge
Personnel - Chair - Sue Clarke
Notification of meetings, plus the agenda, can always be found on the Parish notice boards, no later than three business days prior to a meeting and on the Brampton Parish Council website.
Members of the public are welcome to attend all Parish Council and sub-committee meetings.
Contacting the Council
The council office is contactable for members of the public from Monday to Friday, between the hours of 9:00am- 5.00pm (excluding public holidays). Please note that the office is closed for lunch between 1pm - 2pm.
The correspondence address for the Parish Council is The Memorial Centre, Thrapston Road, Brampton, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE28 4TB. This is a public office and meetings with the Clerk can be arranged by appointment if required, but not usually necessary.
Telephone calls to the office may be recorded for training & monitoring purposes.
What we do in Brampton
The Parish Council is responsible for many of the amenities in the village including The Lady Olivia Centre on Brampton Park, The Memorial Centre on Thrapston Road and the Community Centre on the High Street. It also maintains the various football pitches, the cricket pitch, the skate park, the Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA), the village green, Thrapston Road Allotments, Brampton Park Allotments, the Churchyard & Cemetery, various notice boards, dog bins, bus shelters and street lighting.
They will soon also be responsible for the Playing Fields outside of The Lady Olivia Centre, once land transfers have been accepted.
Parish Councillors are elected or co-opted, dependant on election years. There are 15 Councillor appointments on the Parish Council, and currently no councillor vacancies. If you would like to become a councillor in the future (if a vacancy arises or during an election year) please contact Susie Caney, Clerk via clerk@bramptonpc.co.uk
Town and parish councils in Huntingdonshire are required to adopt their own code of conduct. The Monitoring Officer has the responsibility to establish and maintain a Register of Members' Interests for the town and parish council members. The link to Brampton Parish Council's register is below:
Document Brampton PC - Register of Interests - Huntingdonshire.gov.uk
A list of our councillors along with contact information and which committees they are on.
Council Office Staff
Caretaking and Grounds Staff
Local Council Elections
The 2022 Election was uncontested this means that there were less than 15 candidates Councillors were elected without the need for a poll
The next Election is scheduled for 2026.
Vacancies on the council can now be filled by co-option.
Complaints Procedure
Brampton Parish Council encourage feedback to help us improve our services and the information we provide. We suggest that you initially contact the relevant service and they will try to resolve the issue for you.
If you have already contacted the relevant service and are unhappy with the response, then you can register a formal complaint by writing to the Parish Clerk by email or by post at the following addresses:
Email address: clerk@bramptonpc.co.uk
Address: Parish Clerk, Brampton Parish Council, Brampton Memorial Centre, Thrapston Road, Brampton, Huntingdon, PE28 4TB
Please see the Complaints against the Council document below for more information.